Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned, that my favorite day out of the week
is Thursday. Strange I know, but let me tell you why I love it so much.

Monday is always shit. Who looks forward to go back to work?!

Tuesday is a long day for me. I usually have triple the amount of
walk-ins on Tuesday.

Wednesday is hump day.

Thursday is so close to the weekend I can taste it. It's farther in
the week so I bring my game face. Plus, and this is the most
important part, LOST is on! Who doesn't like Desmend?! He's probably
my favorite character on the show.

Friday is always so busy. Going to Kiezer to have lunch with Jessie,
and picking her up after work is way out of the way. I never mind, I
just know my time is valuable. I usually have some plans that night,
so I start stressing about time management. I worry and stress too
much on Friday, so that's why I hate Fridays.

Watch some LOST, relax the best way you know how, ;0) and thanks for
coming back since I hadn't posted since Saturday.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jessie and some of her friends had a girls night out. I told them I'd
be DD, if they ended up needing one. I thought playing some 360,
would pass the time. But I ended up getting stuck. :0$

It was getting late and Jessie had texted me letting me know that they
were close to being finished having fun. I decided to make a playlist
and take a slowly make my way out there. I ended up getting some gas,
and on a back street I have never taken, I found a little piece of

I have the napkin somewhere, or I'd tell you the name. Mind you, it
was 1:09 a.m. in basically a dark one-way lane alley. There it was, a
desert shop. Lights on, and the familiar neon glow of an open sign.
I walked in and, waited; As the sign said to do so. "Table for one,"
with less of a question then I might have liked. :0) I nodded and I
picked a table in the middle of the 600 sq. foot area. I ordered at
hot-cocoa and a slice of strawberry cheese cake.

From the first bite, to the last sip, that shiz was delicious! I
should've taken a picture.