With my new schedule, I get off at 4:00 p.m. That means I have a hour
to kill before Jessie gets off of work. So I figured since I rarely
take my laptop outside of the house, I might as well bring it. :0)
Everybody else at my office gets off anywhere from 5:00 to 7:00. It's
funny how people all of a sudden need you to do something for them
when they see you leaving!? But that's what I do. I'm your go-to
guy. If you need something done, it will get done. (This applies to
work only, just ask Jessie.) Hopefully all my hard work pays off. I
hear tomorrow if I get the transfer (with pay increase) I requested.
I'm getting bubble the closer and closer tomorrow comes.
I can't say that I'm confident that I'm going to get it. Not because
I don't deserve it, or worked hard enough for it, but because I am the
go-to guy. Being an over achiever at work also comes with its perks,
as well as it downfalls. Because I'm doing so well at my current
office, they don't want me to leave. I wanna' transfer because I have
too many project, but not enough time. I was able to catch on to the
computer system really fast, that I can now do billing and insurance
stuff instead of just reception duties.
I'm pretty nervous. What should I do if I don't get it? Stay there
and hope for the best? That's where my minds at. I really enjoy the
company I work for, and I've been holding out for a job like this for
quite some time. Does everybody either love or hate there job? Is
there a way to have a job, but separate your mind from it once the
weekend comes around? That seems to be my problem. I end up thinking
of things to do on the following Monday, or working on the company
website on the weekends. I want to spend time with my family.
I want to be able to separate them. I think getting this transfer
will do that, and help me complete my projects to perfection, instead
of really good.