Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned, that my favorite day out of the week
is Thursday. Strange I know, but let me tell you why I love it so much.

Monday is always shit. Who looks forward to go back to work?!

Tuesday is a long day for me. I usually have triple the amount of
walk-ins on Tuesday.

Wednesday is hump day.

Thursday is so close to the weekend I can taste it. It's farther in
the week so I bring my game face. Plus, and this is the most
important part, LOST is on! Who doesn't like Desmend?! He's probably
my favorite character on the show.

Friday is always so busy. Going to Kiezer to have lunch with Jessie,
and picking her up after work is way out of the way. I never mind, I
just know my time is valuable. I usually have some plans that night,
so I start stressing about time management. I worry and stress too
much on Friday, so that's why I hate Fridays.

Watch some LOST, relax the best way you know how, ;0) and thanks for
coming back since I hadn't posted since Saturday.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jessie and some of her friends had a girls night out. I told them I'd
be DD, if they ended up needing one. I thought playing some 360,
would pass the time. But I ended up getting stuck. :0$

It was getting late and Jessie had texted me letting me know that they
were close to being finished having fun. I decided to make a playlist
and take a slowly make my way out there. I ended up getting some gas,
and on a back street I have never taken, I found a little piece of

I have the napkin somewhere, or I'd tell you the name. Mind you, it
was 1:09 a.m. in basically a dark one-way lane alley. There it was, a
desert shop. Lights on, and the familiar neon glow of an open sign.
I walked in and, waited; As the sign said to do so. "Table for one,"
with less of a question then I might have liked. :0) I nodded and I
picked a table in the middle of the 600 sq. foot area. I ordered at
hot-cocoa and a slice of strawberry cheese cake.

From the first bite, to the last sip, that shiz was delicious! I
should've taken a picture.

Friday, February 29, 2008

The nay-sayers had there way with me on Thursday. I didn't get the
transfer I was hoping for. Oddly enough, I pretty much okay with
that. Even though I wanted it for more reason then I knew what do so
with, I know this will work out too. I'm not saying that it was
designed to happen or that God thought is was best. I just think I
can make some damn good lemonade from these lemons. :0)

I don't feel like they had my best interest at hand. Which today,
makes sense to me. Why would a company look to see what was best for
there employees? They care about money, sales, and numbers. I plan
on staying here for at least another 4 months. I want to be able to
finish the project I started. That way, I have a whole lot more on my
resume then just, "receptionist."

Plus not getting what I wanted, helped me decide what's important to

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

With my new schedule, I get off at 4:00 p.m. That means I have a hour
to kill before Jessie gets off of work. So I figured since I rarely
take my laptop outside of the house, I might as well bring it. :0)

Everybody else at my office gets off anywhere from 5:00 to 7:00. It's
funny how people all of a sudden need you to do something for them
when they see you leaving!? But that's what I do. I'm your go-to
guy. If you need something done, it will get done. (This applies to
work only, just ask Jessie.) Hopefully all my hard work pays off. I
hear tomorrow if I get the transfer (with pay increase) I requested.
I'm getting bubble the closer and closer tomorrow comes.

I can't say that I'm confident that I'm going to get it. Not because
I don't deserve it, or worked hard enough for it, but because I am the
go-to guy. Being an over achiever at work also comes with its perks,
as well as it downfalls. Because I'm doing so well at my current
office, they don't want me to leave. I wanna' transfer because I have
too many project, but not enough time. I was able to catch on to the
computer system really fast, that I can now do billing and insurance
stuff instead of just reception duties.

I'm pretty nervous. What should I do if I don't get it? Stay there
and hope for the best? That's where my minds at. I really enjoy the
company I work for, and I've been holding out for a job like this for
quite some time. Does everybody either love or hate there job? Is
there a way to have a job, but separate your mind from it once the
weekend comes around? That seems to be my problem. I end up thinking
of things to do on the following Monday, or working on the company
website on the weekends. I want to spend time with my family.

I want to be able to separate them. I think getting this transfer
will do that, and help me complete my projects to perfection, instead
of really good.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I had a thought today.  I'm sure its not insightful to any extent, or that everyones had this thought and I'm just late to the race.  :0)

Have you ever had to work with or around the elderly?  ;0)  Don't they seem, when memory serves them right, always know what song is playing on the oldies' station!?  Well the people who I work with are a decade to 4 decades older then me.  So oldies to early '80 is usually playing.  (Besides at my desk.)  Whenever I hear people singing or humming along to a song, I try to take an interest.  I usually ask who it is and start some dialogue.   It sounds weirder than I make it out to be?

Can you imagine what the music will sound like 30 - 40 years from now?  Will we here a Jay-z song, and have to explain to our kids who he was?  Is an America Idol, the next Elvis Presley?  (Just using that as an example, I only when Simon's being an ass or just hating one some one.  Someone needs to help those kids move on.  Some people sing for a living, some people don't.  Off on a tangent...)  

What oldies would I want my kids to listen to?  Not that I'm thinking about having kids.  Who are my "Beetles"?  Who is our Frank Sinatra?  Something to think about.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I started stretching my ear lopes for about 4 months not.  So far, I've been really enjoying the adventure.  I started out at a 16 gauge, and I'm currently stretching into a 6 gauge.  

I also have a tongue piercing.  Jessie and I decided to do something sporadic and exciting, so we got piercings'.  I already had been working on my ears, so I opted for the tongue.  The first few weeks we really hard.  I couldn't talk and I had a lisp that made me sound like a tween with fresh braces.  

I'm not sure if I'm done getting piercings.  I guess its my way of sowing my wild oats.  I just really enjoy the the fact that I'm personalizing my body.  I know that everybody won;t understand why I do it, but I just wanted to clarify that I do have them.

(Pics on other site)

Friday, February 22, 2008

I love my job. It's not something I want to be doing for the rest of
my life, but its something I really enjoy doing at the moment. I case
I haven't told you, or you just for got, I'm a receptionist.

I was ready for the weekend today, and it couldn't come any faster. I
was just ready to be home. Put some damn Levi's on. Scrubs get old
fast in my book. I think its the fact that guy scrubs are always
solid colors. There isn't any masculine prints. Kinda' a weird thing
to gripe about, but it was something I let get to me today.

That's not really the reason why I didn't like work today though. I
just felt the Man, lurking and poking his head around the corner. I'm
trying to get this transfer from one office to another, which would
include a pay increase. They haven't made a decision yet; the Man and
the nay-sayers. I'm just stressed about feeling like everything thing
I do is being scrutinized under a microscope. I can tell that its
affecting my work, because I feel like I have to defend everything I do.

But the weekends here, and it worked hard for it, Son. I gonna have
some fun.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I have two or three people I work with, that I would consider as friends.  I got back from lunch today and two of them were talking and laughing.  I guess they were talking about how I imitate people really well, but no had ever imitated me before.  So one of them brought up the way I say, perfect.  

    "You say it with a purr."

I guess I do.  I love learning how people say the same words so differently.  

I tend to say cauliflower with an enphasis on the, "i."  Cau-li-flower. 


I can never decide how I want my website to look.  I kamikaze'd the one I had made yesterday.  All the way fresh:  Mind, body, and blog. ;0)  

I'll try to make my entire website something worth spending some time on.  Thanks for coming, and let's start things off with a bang.


This blog is an echo of my real blog. Some of the readers have asked me to post on Blogger. I do still enjoy Blogger, I just love Mac. So this blog will have all of the same posts, without all the bells & whistles.